Benelli TNT1130 Cafe Racer


Te subes a esta Benelli y a pesar de los semi-manillares, la ergonomía es muy buena, te acoplas muy bien a la moto y tu trasero queda encajado en el asiento, tus brazos un poco estirados pero cómodos ya que la altura de los semi-manillares es muy parecida a la de una CBR 600 F mas que a una deportiva de ultima generación, a medio camino entre estas y una naked pura. La arrancas y el sonido es muy característico, no suena como un tetra, menos como un bicilindrico y tampoco como un tricilindrico de Triumph. Esta moto suena un poco a juguete, como si tuviera algún plástico mal apretado y en este sentido no ayuda el color amarillo de las esferas del cuadro, muy parecido al de las motos de juguete.

El cambio en marcha es preciso aunque a veces cuesta encontrar el punto muerto en parado y el embrague es intermedio, ni duro ni blando. El tacto del gas es bastante bueno, con demasiado recorrido pero sin brusquedades y el freno delantero necesita un poco de presión para que actúe como queremos, nos hará falta mas de un dedo en la maneta para frenadas mas importantes.

Empezamos a rodar por la ciudad y aunque es ancha se mueve bien entre coches. La moto coge calor muy rápido y los ventiladores se conectan en seguida, al tenerlos ubicados junto a nuestras piernas, sentimos bastante el calor. No tiene radio de giro ninguno y maniobramos mucho para callejear. A cambio notas como todo el mundo tiene que ver con la moto, llama mucho la atención y en los semáforos tienes la exclusividad asegurada. En movimiento suena muy bien, vas muy cómodo y deportivo a la vez, un poco inclinado hacia delante pero con las piernas en una posición muy natural. Ya en autopista te da la sensación de no ir tan rápido como marca el velocímetro, la pequeña mascara desvía bastante aire y con la posición inclinada hacia delante recibes menos aire que en otras naked. Ruedas a 120 km/h a 4000 revoluciones y tienes el corte de encendido a 9500, no es que la sexta sea un overdrive pero para recuperaciones buenas deberás bajar por lo menos una marcha. Las carreteras de montaña o secundarias son las preferidas de esta moto que se mueve muy bien en ellas. Note que esta moto no es de las que entras en la curva y giran solas, con esta hay que trabajar un poco con el semi-manillar e incluso cargar peso en el estribo para que gire mas redonda. Las primeras marchas son bastante largas como para rodar sin estar pendiente del embrague y además el desarrollo también es largo por lo que no es una maquina de hacer caballitos esta Benelli. Al llegar a la curva rodando ligero debemos apretar con mas fuerza que de costumbre la maneta del freno y gracias a sus suspensiones y chasis, podremos frenar ya metidos en curva sin que la moto se descomponga o se desvíe en ningún momento, es muy noble en este sentido. Tumbaremos sin miedo pero escondiendo la bota que es lo único que rozaremos y acelereraremos sintiendo como flexa el chasis y el basculante tubular para salir ligeramente derrapando hasta la salida con una sensación extraña como si tuviera la cadena destensada o diera tirones muy suaves. Es una moto muy estable con unas suspensiones notables y un motor que , aunque le cuesta un poco subir de revoluciones, tiene mucho carácter y es bueno tanto para el día a día, como para autopista y para carreteras de montaña. Los cambios de dirección son buenos pero como digo, tirando un poco de ella, no como una touring pero tampoco como una supersport. Su peso de menos de 200 kg y la buena distribución de este hacen que nunca se note la moto pesada, ni maniobrando en parado. Puede montar varias medidas de gomas tanto delantera como traseras donde podemos ponerle 180, 190 o 200 según nuestros gustos.

Esta moto es ante todo bonita, llamativa pero también muy efectiva, cómoda y no excesivamente cara comparada con otras exclusivas italianas que ni se acercan a los cerca de 13000 que cuesta la Benelli. Si mejorase la imagen de marca en España y ciertos problemas eléctricos supongo que se verían por las calles muchas mas motos como esta TNT Café Racer.

Lo mejor: exclusividad, estética

Lo peor: capacidad de carga, calor de los radiadores, problemas eléctricos

Honda CRF150F

The 2013 Honda CRF150F has the very welcome e-button to get things going. Make sure you keep the battery charged, as there is no kick back-up. However, should you find yourself with a flat battery, the CRF150F is easily bumpstarted, even when cold. While many may naturally assume that the Honda CRF150F is a direct competitor to the excellent Kawasaki KLX140L, this is definitely not the case. The KLX140L is a much more compact machine, with ergonomics that are great for younger riders, but adults can find a bit confining, especially when it comes to clearance between the handlebars and knees.
 At 5′ 6″ and 115 pounds, I fit perfectly on the 2013 CRF150F, with its seat height under 33 inches and plenty of room between the bars, pegs, and seat. While I have the experience to ride larger, faster dirt bikes, there is something liberating about throwing around the CRF150F with abandon. Sure, I can’t do big jumps or whoops on the 150F, but on smooth, tight tracks, it’s a blast to put in some fast laps by keeping the throttle pinned. The Showa suspension, front and rear, offers nine inches of travel. It’s not the highest quality travel, as you’d expect, though it will exceed the needs and expectations of any novice rider. The suspension could be a bit more compliant for a smoother ride, but these units are built to a price-point. Honda didn’t change the CRF150F for 2013, which makes sense. Until they bite the bullet and go with fuel injection and a rear disc, there really aren’t many improvements that need to be made to the CRF150F. It will work for new riding adults and youngsters growing up and looking for something bigger on the trails. New riders have never had it so good.

2012 Ducati 1199 Panigale

2012 Ducati 1199 Superbike Stunningly revolutionary, the 2012 Superbike 1199 Panigale features what Ducati claims is the most powerful production twin-cylinder motor in a cast aluminum monocoque frame that attaches directly to the Superquadro engine’s cylinder heads. The features list is seemingly endless, with Ride By Wire, Ducati Electronic Suspension, Ducati Traction Control, Anti-lock Braking System 9ME, Engine Brake Control, Ducati Quick Shift, and a Ducati Data Analyzer+. There are three fully customizable Riding Modes and three Power Modes, ranging from 120 horsepower with smooth throttle response to World Superbike-ready 195 horsepower with direct throttle response. And the 1199 Panigale is offered in three versions – the standard, the S model and the Tricolore S. 2012 Ducati 1199 Panigale Quick Stats: ENGINE TYPE: 4vpc L-twin BORE x STROKE: 112mm x 60.8mm COMP. RATIO: 12.7:1 TRANSMISSION: 6-speed WHEELBASE: 56.6 inches RAKE: 25.5 degrees WET WEIGHT: 414.5 pounds PRICE: Standard (Red) / $17,995 ($18,995 ABS) S (Red) / $22,995 ($23,995 ABS) Tricolore S / $27,995

Aprilia Shiver 750 Price: $9499

Aprilia is Lamborghini’s equivalent. For less than $10,000, the Shiver 750 delivers the Italian riding experience, and plenty of tech, too, like the multimode throttle-by-wire system so the rider can select varying performance levels from the 95-hp 750cc V-twin. The Shiver 750 is a tyke compared to Aprilia’s 1000cc superbikes. But it doesn’t ride like one. And like its rival, the Ducati Monster, the Shiver has an upright riding position that makes it a great commuter bike, and a comfy one for even longer trips, too. The difference here is that taller riders will appreciate the Aprilia’s roomier ergonomics.

Honda Shadow RS Price: $8240

Honda has launched an onslaught of cruisers that have probably caught the attention of the Harley-Davidson boys in world. The Shadow RS aims right for the 883-size Sportsters with its classic style and 745cc V-twin. On paper it’s a clone of the rough-hewn Harley. But in practical use, the Honda is tailored more for twisty roads than solely for boulevard cruising. This would be an excellent bike for the beginner cruiser rider because it’s one of the least intimidating bikes on the market, and yet large enough to accommodate taller riders. And the Shadow would make for a great commute, delivering 56 mpg.

TNT 1130 2005

Внешность и техническая «начинка» Benelli TNT 1130 — воплощение стиля «стритфайтер». Компания Benelli объединила в TNT (Tornado Naked tre) динамические качества спортивного мотоцикла Tornado 900 Tre и новый 1130 куб.см. двигатель с тремя цилиндрами. Для загрузки переднего колеса двигатель смещен вперед, так что радиаторы системы охлаждения расположены по бокам силового агрегата. Сваренный из стальных труб задний маятник TNT 1130 достоин занять место в музее современного искусства. Модель Benelli TNT 1130 Sport наделена еще более «навороченной» технической начинкой. Если в базовой версии установлена нерегулируемая передняя вилка, то TNT Sport щеголяет вилкой Marzocchi с полным набором регулировок

Важное дополнение — тормоза Brembo с передними скобами радиального типа. Система Power Control System Activation позволяет переключать между стандартным режимом 137л.с

(101 кВ) и экономичным 112 л.с

Система Power Control System Activation позволяет переключать между стандартным режимом 137л.с. (101 кВ) и экономичным 112 л.с

(82 кВ)

Подробности материала

  • Модель TNT (Tornado Naked Tre) 1130 2006 Café Racer 2005 / Sport
  • Марка Benelli
  • Страна производитель Италия
  • Модельный год 2006
  • Класс мототехники Стрит
  • Тип двигателя 4-х тактный, 3 цилиндра, наклоненные цилиндры на 15°, рядный, антивибрационный вал. 4 клапана на цилиндр. Свечи Champion RG4HC NGK CR9E
  • Число цилиндров 3
  • Число тактов 4
  • Зажигание / Запуск CDI / электростартер
  • Объем двигателя, см3 1131
  • Степень сжатия 11,5:1
  • Система газораспределения DOHC
  • Клапанов на цилиндр 4
  • Система охлаждения жидкостная, 2 радиатора в хвостовой части мотоцикла, 2 электрических вентилятора, 1 масляный радиатор.
  • Диаметр цилиндра и ход поршня, мм 88 x 62
  • Мощность, кВт/л.с. @ об/мин 101 / 135 @ 10 500
  • Крутящий момент, Нм @ об/мин 117 @ 6750
  • Карбюратор (кол-во x тип) Впрыск топлива 1 форсунка на цилиндр
  • Сцепление в масляной ванне
  • Моторное масло Синтетическое API SJ 15W/50, JASO – MA CC MC G4
  • Система смазки Wet sump
  • Объем топливного бака, л 18 (5 – резерв)
  • Тип Straight toothed primary gear, chain driven secondary
  • 1-я передача 2.786 (12.816)
  • 2-я передача 1.994 (8.946)
  • 3-я передача 1.524 (7.010)
  • 4-я передача 1.304 (6.000)
  • 5-я передача 1.167 (5.367)
  • 6-я передача 0.926 (4.260)
  • Число передач Цепь 525
  • Рама Смешаного типа. Передняя часть из стальных труб, соединенная винтами с литой пространственной частью из алюминиевого сплава. Вылет переднего колеса 23,5°
  • Передняя подвеска Полностью регулируемая вилка Marzocchi Ø 50mm (регулируется по сжатию и предварительному натягу)
  • Ход передней подвески 120
  • Задняя подвеска Полностью регулируемый моноамортизатор Extreme Technology (асимметричный маятник переменногои сечения из алюминиевого сплава, оснащенный одиночным гидравлическим амортизатором, регулируемым по сжатию, отбою, длине и поджатию пружины)
  • Ход задней подвески 115
  • Передние тормоза 2X 320мм плавающие диски Brembo со скобами радиального типа (4 поршневые)
  • Задние тормоза Дисковый 240мм, 2-поршневые скобы
  • Колесная база, мм 1419
  • Высота сидения, мм 780
  • Дорожный просвет, мм 100
  • Передние колеса 3,5”x17” алюминиевые 5-спицевые
  • Задние колеса 6,00”x17” алюминиевые 5-спицевые
  • Передние шины 120/70 x 17” – 120/65 x 17” (58W)
  • Задние шины 190/50 x 17” – 200/50 x 17” – 180/55 x 17” (73W)
  • Длина, мм 2100
  • Ширина, мм 790
  • Высота, мм 1050
  • Вылет передней вилки, мм 94,5
  • Сухая масса, кг 199
  • Количество мест 2
  • Генератор, Вт 480Вт при 5000 об/мин
  • Аккумуляторная батарея 12 В / 12 Ач
  • Цена 640 000 рублей

Overview[edit | edit source]

Benelli TNT 1130 Café Racer

The design idea used for the development of the Cafè Racer was that of creating a TNT inspired by the racing bikes of the past, but with a series of unique, sophisticated details to make it modern and effective. The result is a motorcycle with an extraordinary personality – a bike which simultaneously offers riding comfort and extreme performance thanks to its exceptional components: a higher and more protective windscreen for greater aerodynamic protection, lower clip-on handlebars in aluminum alloy, single seat ballypan and tailpiece to experience the thrills of riding a true racer alone, eccentric foot board adjustment system, carbon parts and seat support. As with the design, the color was also inspired by the past for an exceptional aesthetic impact and to make the Café Racer even more exclusive in the world gamma of the Streetfighters.

An important innovation in the motor, the Café Racer offers the possibility of modifying motor functions by simply pressing a lighted button on the dash support. The engine control unit can be switched between free power and controlled power for better control of the motorcycle in poor traction conditions. This also guarantees a decrease in fuel consumption of 10-20% depending on driving style and on the road. The free power configuration makes it possible to fully enjoy the torque features and motor power, while the controlled power configuration makes it possible to enjoy using the bike easily in the city, even on asphalt with poor traction, either alone or with a passenger, without stress. The exclusive technical aspects are also seen in the exceptional cycle: this version sports a powerful 50 mm fork completely adjustable in compression, extension and spring preload, with a hardened surface to improve the sliding qualities which contribute to making the road holding solid and precise. The back shock absorber body is in Ergal – light and unique in the world panorama; it is completely adjustable in extension and spring preload to offer a good level of performance constancy and to make riding safe in all asphalt conditions. The attention given to the quest for lightness and performance is confirmed by the use of Marchesini rims in forged and machined aluminum alloy and the Brembo braking system which mounts a 4 piston radial caliper and a 320 mm diameter double disk at the front. The TNT Café Racer is the result of a perfect blend of stylistic solutions and exclusive, sophisticated technique which come together to fully satisfy the performance levels which todays motorcycle riders demand.

Make ModelBenelli TNT 1130 Café Racer
Engine TypeFour stroke, transverse three cylinder, DOHC, 4 valves per cylinder
Displacement1130 cc / 69 cu in
Bore X Stroke88 x 62 mm
Cooling SystemLiquid cooled
LubricationWet sump
OilAPI SJ 15W/50 – synthetic
Oil Capacity4 L / 1.1 US gal
InductionElectronic injection with 1 injector per cylinder
Battery12V, 10Ah
Max Power101 kW / 135 hp @ 9500 rpm
Max Torque110 Nm / 11.2 kgf-m / 81.1 lb-ft @ 7750 rpm
Transmission6 Speed
Final DriveChain
Gear Ratios1st 2.786 / 2nd 1.994 / 3rd 1.524 / 4th 1.304 / 5th 1.167 / 6th 0.926
FrameFront ASD steel tube trellis, fastened with drawer screws to boxed rear section, aluminum alloy castings.
Trail100 mm / 3.9 in
Front SuspensionMarzocchi 50 mm diameter upside down fork ASD steel tube trellis oscillating main fork
Front Wheel Travel120 mm / 4.7 in
Rear Suspension Mono shock absorber with adjustable extension and spring load
Rear Wheel Travel115 mm / 4.5 in
Front Brakes2 x 320 mm Ø discs, 4 piston calipers
Rear BrakesSingle 240 mm Ø disc, 2 piston caliper
WheelsAluminum alloy, 10-spoke
Front Rim3.5 x 17 in
Front Tire120/70-ZR17 (58W)
Rear Rim6.0 x 17 in
Rear Tire190/55-ZR17 (73W)
DimensionsLength: 2100 mm / 82.7 in
Wheelbase1419 mm / 55.9 in
Seat Height780 mm / 30.7 in
Dry Weight205 kg / 452 lbs
Wet Weight215 kg / 474 lbs
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating400 kg / 882 lbs
Fuel Capacity16.5 L / 4.4 US gal
Fuel Reserve5 L / 1.3 US gal
Consumption Average5.8 L/100 km / 17.2 km/lit / 40.5 US mpg
Standing ¼ Mile11.0 sec
Top Speed243 km/h / 151 mph
ColoursYellow, Red, Black, Green/silver

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2012 KTM 1190 RC8R Track

KTM 1190RC8R using 75 ° V engine type 4-stroke with a total capacity of 1195cc engine reaches that are divided into 2-cylinder DOHC 4-valve as well. The compression ratio is 13.5:1 and the engine can generate power 132 kW (180 hp) @ 10250 rpm and torque is 138 Nm @ 8000 rpm and has a size of 105mm bore and stroke 69mm. Fuel delivery systems using EFI with Keihin 52mm throttle body and the liquid cooling system on the machine. 6-speed transmission combined with Wet multi-disc clutch, hydraulically operated to get the results maximum. Starter type electric machines have been used to measure 11.2Ah 12V battery and the engine lubrication system using Pressure lubrication with 3 Eaton pumps. Entered on the chassis frame fatherly shore used machine Chromium-Molybdenum trellis frame, powder-coated aluminum combined with a subframe and aluminum headlebar stump. System brake on the front using 2 x Brembo Monobloc four-piston, radially bolted caliper, Ø 320 mm and rear brakes use Brembo two piston, fixed caliper, brake disc Ø 220 mm.

results were super noticeable

Reviewed by , reviewed for

Dyno-Boost Motorcycle Performance Chip
for BMW G 650 Xchallenge

– Sunday, 10:20 PM

Prompt shipping and they included a small gift thank you. To my dismay the chip is not plug and play. While tech reps from other vendor are supercilious at best and hostile at worst if you are a total beginner, Mark put out a very decent job while guiding me thru the maze of wiring. I’d even wager to say he’s something of an expert. The results were super noticeable from idle to top revs. Engine comes to love immediately at take off unlike with bone stock fuel maps. I highly recommend this magna tune for others.

17 of 27 people found this review helpful.

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2012 Benelli Century Racer 1130

Quality takes first priority: the enormous task of testing, developing and fine-tuning the entire 2012 range has allowed us to achieve the highest standards on the market and guarantee the Benelli buyer reliability, optimized fuel consumption and meticulous bike construction. And that naturally includes the joy of riding a Benelli, which is the distinctive, essential trait of every motorbike that comes off the assembly line of the Pesaro plant. Quality, innovation, range. Benelli reboots after their 100th year anniversary in 2011 to take on the market with even greater determination. The goals have been stated clearly: maximum product quality, an updated, more polished range, production in Italy but with marketing operations throughout the world. With all this, 2012 is sure to be a banner year with consolidation of the existing production organization in view of the gradual introduction of brand new models that will top off Benelli’s offer and complete the manufacturer’s relaunch started five years ago following the acquisition by QJ.

1979 Suzuki GS 400 E

The Suzuki GS400 twin was presented in October 1976, being one of the first four-stroke Suzukis since the Colleda COX in the 1950’s. The other Suzuki four-strokes that were introduced that year were the GS750 and GS550 fours. All three of them had similar appearance and specification other than the GS400 had a cross-mount inline twin, six-speed gearbox and drum rear brake. The 550cc and 750cc versions had five speeds and disc brakes front and rear. All GS models had two valves per cylinder, double overhead camshafts, tubular double craddle frame, telescopic front and pivoted-fork rear suspension, fuel gauge, gear indicator and electric start.

Benelli TNT1130 Century Racers Limited Edition

Benelli TNT1130 Century Racers Limited Edition
Compression ratio11.5:1
Top Speed269 km/h / 167 mph
Spark PlugNGK CR9E
Battery12V, 10Ah
Transmission6 Speed
FrameFront ASD steel tube trellis, fastened with drawer screws to boxed rear section, aluminum alloy castings.
SuspensionFront: Marzocchi 50 mm diameter upside down fork ASD steel tube trellis oscillating main fork Rear: Mono shock absorber with adjustable extension and spring load
BrakesFront: 2 x 320 mm Ø discs, 4 piston calipers Rear: Single 240 mm Ø disc, 2 piston caliper
Front Tire120/70-ZR17 (58W)
Rear Tire190/55-ZR17 (73W)
Wheelbase1443 mm / 56.8 in
Seat Height780 mm / 30.7 in
Weight205 kg / 452 lbs (dry), 215 kg / 474 lbs (wet)
Oil Capacity4 L / 1.1 US gal
Fuel Capacity16.5 L / 4.4 US gal
ManualsService Manual

It could reach a top speed of 269 km/h / 167 mph.


The engine was a Liquid cooled cooled Four stroke, transverse three cylinder, DOHC, 4 valves per cylinder. The engine featured a 11.5:1 compression ratio.


It came with a 120/70-ZR17 (58W) front tire and a 190/55-ZR17 (73W) rear tire. Stopping was achieved via 2 x 320 mm Ø discs, 4 piston calipers in the front and a Single 240 mm Ø disc, 2 piston caliper in the rear. The front suspension was a Marzocchi 50 mm diameter upside down fork ASD steel tube trellis oscillating main fork while the rear was equipped with a Mono shock absorber with adjustable extension and spring load. The TNT1130 Century Racers Limited Edition was fitted with a 16.5 L / 4.4 US gal fuel tank. The bike weighed just 205 kg / 452 lbs. The wheelbase was 1443 mm / 56.8 in long.


Benelli TNT 1130 Century Racers Limited Edition

To celebrate their 100th year, Benelli have launched two special edition machines the TNT 899 Century Racer and TNT 1130 Century Racer. Both are fitted with Benellis three-cylinder engines, producing 120 horsepower at 9,500rpm in the case of the TNT 899 and 129 horsepower at 8,500rpm for the TNT 1130.

Both bikes are fitted with a six-speed gearbox, high-spec suspension components from Marzocchi and Sachs, Brembo brakes with radial-mount callipers and special touches like Alcantara seats and a special paint job inspired by Renzo Pasolinis Benelli racebikes of the 1960s. The 1130 version is proposed in the Century Racer carried out upon request for the most demanding enthusiasts in the same color and elegant celebration that characterizes the pattern of lower displacement. Change of course details for maximum power and torque, respectively, passing to 129 hp (95 kW) at 8500 rpm and 110 Nm (11.2 kgm) at 5250 rpm. All work on the frame and the mapping of the eclectic and generous three-cylinder in-line have been extended to 1130, which can also count on another distinctive feature: mount, in fact the same range of the model 899 but is fully adjustable in spring preload and hydraulic compression and rebound. The black anodized finish is in line with the color of all the front while the rear we find a rear shock absorber Fully adjustable ZF Sachs to make more effective the suspension and allow it to ground all 129 hp of the three in line.

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